Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, I have been doing some tinkering around on the blog and changed the looks a little bit. I hope everyone enjoys it! Let me know if you have problems viewing the posts.
December is flying by for us- it is so good to have Scott home every day. The boys and I love all his hugs and tickles and pinches! :)
Earlier this month we were able to spend several days at my folks house deer hunting. Paul and Marcus loved playing with all their aunts and uncles, and hold a very special place in their hearts for Nana and Papa. A big thank you to my family for watching the boys so Scott and I could go hunting. And a successful hunt it was this year, with each of us harvesting a doe. I am afraid I was bit by the jealousy bug a few times after hearing my brother's stories on harvesting their bucks- but our meat will taste better! :)
We are getting ready for Christmas- the boys are so excited. They do not realize they are getting gifts and their sweet excitement about giving to others is a humble reminder of the phrase- "It is better to give than to receive." Paul was especially concerned that we have lights hanging on our house outside- so we have a small string up. Maybe next year we can do more.
I will try to get some pictures on soon- but here a few "Paul sayings" to close for now!

"My sleeves are locked"- Button down shirt with buttons on the sleeves that Paul could not open.
Putting on his socks- "Help Mom- my foot is backwards!"
And my favorite for this time of the year-
When telling the Christmas story and what the angel said to the shepherds-
"Glory to God and Goliath!"

God bless!

Monday, December 08, 2008

November in review

November was a busy and exciting month for us. The 21st Scott graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center and is now a certified Deputy Sheriff. He is out on the road now and just loves it. Every day when he gets ready for work Paul gets ready as well. Paul puts on his own belt and holster, toy gun, badge and vest. Oh yes and boots and a lunch box and he drives his toy car around the house "just like dad". We were blessed to spend a lot of time with our families through this month. One week before Graduation the boys and I stayed at my folks, and Esther came here for a week. Then a lot of Scott's family came for his graduation and stayed the weekend as we enjoyed our Thanksgiving together.
Philip is getting so big, he squeals and coos a lot and tries to scoot across the floor on his back- he is getting pretty good at it too! I will try to get some of December on here before too long! Enjoy the pictures! Paul enjoys the first snow of the year
One of the warmer days of the month- Marcus takes care of the puppy

Our adventurous tree climber

You can never have too many guns :)

Enjoying Aunt Esther

She is sooo much fun!

The Ulmer grand boys with Uncle Silas

Try #1 for a family picture.... it went downhill from there :)

Dueling brothers

The rhythm section

Playing baseball-
Thanks for bringing the Wii Tony and Lisa!
Getting the turkey ready to cook

Philip and Uncle Tony

The Anson clan- we miss you all!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Can't wait to see you!

" And I pray that Grandma Sue and Great Grandpa, and Unlce Tony and Aunt Lisa, and Jeremy and Nick and Bryan get here safe. I can't wait to see them! Amen."

WE can't wait to see you all- only a little over a week! :)

Too cute!!!!

Marcus is having fun with Mom's old hats... too cute or what!!!!! :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October in review...

Well it has been way to long since I posted last, so I thought I would take a minute and share some pictures from this month. The computer was acting funny, so the pictures are not in the right order, but I hope you enjoy! We have filled our weeks while Daddy is in school with home life and trips to see others. We we able to spend a week with Rebecca and Justice and had a great time. (Thank you for having us- we love you!) Here Philip is having a conversation with his Aunt Rebecca.
We had a lovely day at the park...

Complete with a picnic lunch!

On the home front, the boys are constantly in the kitchen with Mom- helping bake cookies...

Or bread, or washing dishes. THey are a blessing!

And look at the new addition! Our dog Elle's little puppy is so cute!

Marcus is our animal lover- awwwww

We were blessed to have Tabitha come the end of September, the boys loved having her here and I really enjoyed it too. Thank you Tabitha for all your help!

Three boys in gray :)

What a cutie!

Learning to smile and "talk"- Philip is also learning to roll over. He has completed a tummy to back several times.

Another thing we are enjoying- paint! Opps, I think I forgot to explain to Marcus we don't paint on our body. Oh well, now we know what he will look like with a facial hair!

Drawing a big rifle gun :)
Paul's vocabulary has really been growing and i love to hear his new phrases. But my favorite is a slight change in the phrase, "I will take care of you"- Paul style, "I will carry you Mom"
So sweet!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement these past weeks. Scott is doing really well and learning a lot. Just the other weekend he showed me a bunch of "take down" tactics that he learned. It was very educational and I learned a few things- pressure points are very effective and your wrist controls your whole body. :)
With November closing in we are on the 3 week count down- please pray that we stay faithful to the end. For Scott, in his witness and studies. For me, grace and strength for the looong days. And for the boys- obedience and patience.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Promised pictures...

Here are the pictures I promised. These boys are soooo precious! Philip is smiling now and coos these little happy noises that I love. He is sleeping really well most nights too- that makes for a HAPPY mommy! Everyone smile!
We love Philip!
Rebecca and Justice were able to come and spend a few days with us. We loved it and had a great time! Here are the cousins all together.

Marcus thinks Philip has a dirty diaper....

Laundry..... wow does it stack up fast!

Cuddle time!

Just too tired! :)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Catching up

Life is full and busy here in Ellsworth. We are enjoying a very cool September, with highs in the low 70*s (!) and chilly nights. I keep thinking "Summer can't be over yet!?" I guess having a baby will make time fly by pretty quick! Philip is growing- (at one month he already weighed over 12 pounds!) and developing more and more personality. He is patient with his brothers attempts to be gentle and you will often find him in his bouncy seat with a toy in his lap that someone brought to share with him. He is sleeping better most nights- but every now and then likes to wake up at 4 and will not go back to sleep. Not Mom's idea of a good habit.
Scott is 3 weeks into his training at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center in Hutchinson, (About 1 hour away). He is doing well and I enjoy his daily "briefings" on what he is learning. He is ready for the 14 weeks to be done though- and we can't wait until he is certified.
Paul and Marcus are growing and learning- there are often times I feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of training these boys to do what is right. I daily pray for wisdom to touch their hearts, not just their behavior as I teach, discipline or encourage. Some days it feels like I am talking to a fence post.... seems terrible to admit, but knowing their parents I guess not so terribly surprising. :)
We appreciate your prayers- and your keeping in touch. I will post more pictures soon!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The Ansons are alive and doing well! WE are quickly adjusting to life with 3 boys- and it is a blessing. It is also busy.... so this post will be mostly pictures and not much news- enjoy! family snapshot while Grandma Sue was here. Marcus was being rather willful- he did not want to take pictures, but we got a half smile!
Someone likes his thumb.... when he can find it!
Bad hair day. :)
We had great help from Charity for a week. Thanks Charity!!! The boys miss you!
Playing at the park
Two adoring grandmas. Thanks for coming and helping us out Mama Sue!
I am such a BIG helper!!

"And the good guy jumped high in the air....."
"Your turn!"
A fun present from Grandma Sue
These boys LOVE to sing
Someone is learning to smile for the camera!