Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer pictures

Here are some pictures of this summer... we hope you enjoy them! The wonderful slip and slide
Can you tell we mowed the grass the same day? :)

My 2 cowboys- Paul loves dressing the part, even if it means a jacket when it is 90* out. :)

Sticking out your tongue is very helpful when getting the caps in right.

A fun garage sale find- a perfect boys tent!

At the funeral home in NY

The four Homan siblings

Philip loves his Nana!

Part of the NY crowd out on a walk- notice the jackets! It was so nice there!

Beach day! Rebecca and Aunt Dorie

She does more than take pictures..... she captures life-
Forever etching a smile on your heart
Capturing a sunset that takes your breath away
Catching the falling tear
Wow- I am so glad she loves taking pictures because I sure love looking at them!

Philip's first time at the ocean!

It was cold!

I sure missed Scott and the older boys!


Finally the sun came out!

Phoebe trying her hand at a sand castle

What a fun birthday gift- one of the deputies gave Scott a bunch of fresh produce from his garden. I woke up on my birthday to a kitchen full of yummy veggies to put up!

More of the produce

My big helpers getting the veggies ready

Working hard!

These are big Mom!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Busy summer

Summer is upon us and we are busy! As I looked over all the pictures I have since last time I blogged, I realized how behind I really am! Hopefully I will get some more pictures on here soon. But for now I wanted everyone to know we are still alive and well!
We have been gardening, (yes, I have a small garden! Yeah! The boys love watering it and watching for produce to be ready.) Swimming, playing, keeping up the house and a host of other things. The past few weeks were tough on Scott and I as we both lost a grandparent. Scott's grandpa passed away the end of May, and my maternal grandmother died mid-June. What a time to be grateful for family and the support of those you love. We were so glad we were able to see Scott's grandpa just a week before his passing.
My grandma had been in poor health for a long time, so we were thankful that her suffering is over and were able to rejoice in time with family together. (Yes, I did fly to NY for the funeral. Scott stayed with the older two boys and Philip and I were able to spend time with family. IT was a very precious time.)
Of course the end of June brought Scott's birthday and we enjoyed helping him celebrate- we are so grateful for such a wonderful husband and daddy! He loves Italian food and so I made manicotti for his "meal"- or as Paul renamed it- "man-in-potty". :)
The boys are growing and changing every day. Philip is beginning to walk all over and it will not be long before crawling is a thing of the past. The older boys love trying to help him.... and he is fairly patient with their efforts!
I will try to get more pictures up soon! Until then- we pray you are enjoying your summer and filling it with time spent for the kingdom! Cousins having fun- May 09