Friday, May 12, 2006

Mama's little helper

Married life gets better and better!
"All work and no play makes Paul a tired boy!"
Well I finally have something in our garden! Thanks to Noah I have several tomato plants out there that I planted the other day. We are not planning as much variety in our garden this year, due to the amount of time we are spending on chickens, but we still hope to get a few things in.
Here is my little helper. Paul is big enough now to ride in the back-pack carrier. He really enjoys in and "helps" me do laundry, dishes and chicken chores.
God bless!


Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

awww............cute hats! :)

Anonymous said...

An Anson blog - how fun! Love the pictures!
~Mrs. L / Diane