Sunday, January 25, 2009

Busy month

January has been a busy month for us. It seemed that we were barely done with Christmas when I was looking at the calender and realizing we were a week into the new year! The Lord has blessed us with good health and we have been able to do some traveling- and hosting friends this month.
The 9th -14th made a trip back to Illinois to visit Scott's family. My family was very sweet and let us borrow their minivan- which made traveling a whole lot nicer. We had a great time with lots of fun memories. Scott asked that I try to get some home video while there, and I was able to catch a lot of great times with their cousins. However, since I was holding the video camera, I did not take hardly any regular pictures.... So I can't show you the wild pillow fights on the blog!
Once home, we were thrilled to have Charity stay with us for a few days. The boys love having any of their aunts or uncles with them and I enjoyed having a great helper around!
I also got a special treat when my friend Ruth was in the area for a day. It was great to have another adult to talk to- (Scott gets a little board with talking about recipes and sewing:) and I hope I did not talk her ear off! Thanks for coming Ruth!

Playing piano with Aunt Charity

Take care Ruth!

A gift from Grandma Sue- Bunk beds! (Or as Marcus calls them, "bunk-heads". He always hits his head on the ceiling when we help him on top and laughs and says "bunk-heads", like that is why they gave it the name.... so funny!)

Just chilling out....

See ya later alligator!


In His Image Photography said...

Cute pictures of the boys!
Phillip is getting so big!
Hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

OH------Philip is SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!