"Being confident in this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" Phil. 1:6
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Gal. 6:9
Paul sat on the stairs with a small mountain of clean cloth diapers beside him. It is his job to fold them and put them away. I was folding a not so small mountain of clean clothes next to him and encouraging him along the way. But somehow, Paul kept goofing off and making his job harder by not following the simple directions I gave him. When I spoke firmly to him about finishing his work and not whining about the difficulty, he looked up at me and in a pleading voice said,
"But Mom, you need to train me."
Proverbs says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (22:6) That promise motivates me on the days when all the boys seem to do is fight. It challenges me when I want to take the easy road and just put a movie on while I make supper. It encourages me when I hear my son ask for training. For although he does not realize it, he is learning to love listening to Mom and Dad. He values our opinions and wisdom. He needs our counsel. He wants our help. Some will say- "Enjoy it! It is over too soon, he will know everything before you know it. Then there is no need for Mom and Dad"
But I have seen the fruit of good training- I have experienced it. My parents were some of my best friends all through my growing up. I never hit that age when I did not need them. Sure, I wanted to decide things myself after a while, but I wanted their input and their counsel. I knew they had experiences that would help me.
I want that with our boys. Marcus is testing us a lot right now. I pray daily that I do not miss his small attempts to connect with Mom- because I am so busy disciplining his wrong behavior. I want him too- to desire to be trained.
Training- "This is the way we peel a cucumber", "Daddy goes to work for us so we can have a good warm home and good food to eat. He takes goooood care of us.", "No, we don't shoot people, we shoot deer and bears", "No son, we don't hit, now come to Mom...."
It happens if I want it to or not. When having a bad day I blamed my crying on being tired. Now when Paul is having a bad attitude, upon questioning he says- "No I am not pouting, I am just tired."
Please pray the the Lord will strengthen Scott and I to the great task before us. May we train in love and consistency. May we not grow weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap. We have little souls depending on us.
"Please train us"