Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Catching up...

Well, it is way past time for me to do some catching up here. I guess I will claim the excuse that everyone I see comments on. "You sure have your hands full!" (And they say that when Scott is not around, guess what they would say if he was there too! :)
The past 2 weeks we were blessed to have a good friend from Ohio, Hannah Lefchik come and stay with us and help out. Thank you Hannah for all your hard work and every ready smile. We miss you! I think Paul got quiet used to having another set of hands to wait on him and he is going through withdrawal!
Scott is doing well at the jail, as a reserve deputy, he has been able to ride along with some of the deputies and that has become a highlight for him. He even got to go along on a search warrant a few weeks ago. (Granted he was back-up 2 blocks away, but it is a start!) We celebrated our 2cd anniversary this month and it seems like just yesterday we were getting ready for the wedding. Time sure flies! We thank the Lord for the time he has given us and pray for many more wonderful years to come!
I am feeling really good, Marcus is sleeping a little better at nights, so I am not so tired. With the weather so nice, I will have to be careful not to push too hard. Paul loves being outside and we are enjoying spending a lot of time in the sunshine!
I will try to update again soon! Here are some pictures:)
Hannah with the boys
Paul and Papa at the Ulmers

Scott helping with the laundry

Flowers from my love :)


~AliisaJoy~ said...

Ooooooh!! Such pretty flowers!!

Anonymous said...

*grin* Aww, great pics! I miss both of you and the little ones so much!!

Bethany said...

How incredibly fun to see all the pictures! Since we haven't been able to see each other for a while, pictures and blog up-dates are next best! What adorable little guys you have!