December is flying by for us- it is so good to have Scott home every day. The boys and I love all his hugs and tickles and pinches! :)
Earlier this month we were able to spend several days at my folks house deer hunting. Paul and Marcus loved playing with all their aunts and uncles, and hold a very special place in their hearts for Nana and Papa. A big thank you to my family for watching the boys so Scott and I could go hunting. And a successful hunt it was this year, with each of us harvesting a doe. I am afraid I was bit by the jealousy bug a few times after hearing my brother's stories on harvesting their bucks- but our meat will taste better! :)
We are getting ready for Christmas- the boys are so excited. They do not realize they are getting gifts and their sweet excitement about giving to others is a humble reminder of the phrase- "It is better to give than to receive." Paul was especially concerned that we have lights hanging on our house outside- so we have a small string up. Maybe next year we can do more.
I will try to get some pictures on soon- but here a few "Paul sayings" to close for now! "My sleeves are locked"- Button down shirt with buttons on the sleeves that Paul could not open.
Putting on his socks- "Help Mom- my foot is backwards!"
And my favorite for this time of the year-
When telling the Christmas story and what the angel said to the shepherds-
"Glory to God and Goliath!"
God bless!