Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, I have been doing some tinkering around on the blog and changed the looks a little bit. I hope everyone enjoys it! Let me know if you have problems viewing the posts.
December is flying by for us- it is so good to have Scott home every day. The boys and I love all his hugs and tickles and pinches! :)
Earlier this month we were able to spend several days at my folks house deer hunting. Paul and Marcus loved playing with all their aunts and uncles, and hold a very special place in their hearts for Nana and Papa. A big thank you to my family for watching the boys so Scott and I could go hunting. And a successful hunt it was this year, with each of us harvesting a doe. I am afraid I was bit by the jealousy bug a few times after hearing my brother's stories on harvesting their bucks- but our meat will taste better! :)
We are getting ready for Christmas- the boys are so excited. They do not realize they are getting gifts and their sweet excitement about giving to others is a humble reminder of the phrase- "It is better to give than to receive." Paul was especially concerned that we have lights hanging on our house outside- so we have a small string up. Maybe next year we can do more.
I will try to get some pictures on soon- but here a few "Paul sayings" to close for now!

"My sleeves are locked"- Button down shirt with buttons on the sleeves that Paul could not open.
Putting on his socks- "Help Mom- my foot is backwards!"
And my favorite for this time of the year-
When telling the Christmas story and what the angel said to the shepherds-
"Glory to God and Goliath!"

God bless!

Monday, December 08, 2008

November in review

November was a busy and exciting month for us. The 21st Scott graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center and is now a certified Deputy Sheriff. He is out on the road now and just loves it. Every day when he gets ready for work Paul gets ready as well. Paul puts on his own belt and holster, toy gun, badge and vest. Oh yes and boots and a lunch box and he drives his toy car around the house "just like dad". We were blessed to spend a lot of time with our families through this month. One week before Graduation the boys and I stayed at my folks, and Esther came here for a week. Then a lot of Scott's family came for his graduation and stayed the weekend as we enjoyed our Thanksgiving together.
Philip is getting so big, he squeals and coos a lot and tries to scoot across the floor on his back- he is getting pretty good at it too! I will try to get some of December on here before too long! Enjoy the pictures! Paul enjoys the first snow of the year
One of the warmer days of the month- Marcus takes care of the puppy

Our adventurous tree climber

You can never have too many guns :)

Enjoying Aunt Esther

She is sooo much fun!

The Ulmer grand boys with Uncle Silas

Try #1 for a family picture.... it went downhill from there :)

Dueling brothers

The rhythm section

Playing baseball-
Thanks for bringing the Wii Tony and Lisa!
Getting the turkey ready to cook

Philip and Uncle Tony

The Anson clan- we miss you all!