Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas also means...

A time for gifts and giving... I was way more excited about their presents than the boys were! Paul caught on very fast to the unwrapping idea
Wow Marcus!

Any repairs that need done...
It is a good thing Paul has a cousin who is so good at working on houses... But Justice, easy with the saw!

And best of all- FAMILY!

A Christmas gift from Tabitha and Esther

20 years difference between the oldest and youngest... But we are a pretty close bunch for those 20 years!

Helping the uncles feed the calves...

We love Papa and Nana!!
(And if you are Paul, maybe you are praying that the pictures are almost over?:)


Anonymous said...

Yeah - lots of pictures!! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!! I bet it was nice having the whole family together again!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos!
The "seven sisters" one is just too precious!
I love it!