November was fairly mild here in Kansas- turning really cold just before Thanksgiving. The nice days were a big blessing as the boys and I tried to spend as much time outside before it got really cooooold for the winter. Here are a few pictures from various days.
"Hay rack ride"
"What does this stuff taste like?"
"I wonder if I will get away with it too?"
"Maybe I will take a little nap..."
"On second thought, please pick me up!"
One especially nice day we hiked to the wash-out. Paul LOVED it and was very sad when it was time to go home. Marcus was eager to taste all the new dirt :)
Climbing with Elle
Paul was disapointed you can not eat this kind of apple.
Climbing a tree on the way home- all by himself!
Playing peek-a-boo with Aunt Esther
She can get such cute faces out of that little boy!
Well, some of the time.... I guess he was done with pictures for now! :)
That floor apple is a great idea!! You get some housework done (those particles that stick to the apple), and some free vitamins and minerals (those particles that stick to the apple)! Thanks for growing up those wonderful boys.
Pappa U
Good point, Mr Ulmer!
The pictures of Marcus in the wagon and Paul playing with Esther are my favorites - but they're all so cute!!
What adorable little munchkins!! Way too sweet!! Makes my head spin!! (haha) I love the picture of Paul peeking around the tree....too cute! And Marcus- his grin is SO priceless! Tell him to come to Papa and Nana's house soon--we've got plenty of dirt for him to taste around here!! :)
Loved the pics! Marcus looks so cute in the "nap time" picture!
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