Thursday, November 29, 2007

Do you want some apple?

Snack time-
Would you like some of my apple?

Take a big bite!

Be careful!

I am getting board- lets try pushing it on the floor and eat it this way!

Playing outside

November was fairly mild here in Kansas- turning really cold just before Thanksgiving. The nice days were a big blessing as the boys and I tried to spend as much time outside before it got really cooooold for the winter. Here are a few pictures from various days.
"Hay rack ride"

"What does this stuff taste like?"

"I wonder if I will get away with it too?"

"Maybe I will take a little nap..."

"On second thought, please pick me up!"

One especially nice day we hiked to the wash-out. Paul LOVED it and was very sad when it was time to go home. Marcus was eager to taste all the new dirt :)

Climbing with Elle


Paul was disapointed you can not eat this kind of apple.
Climbing a tree on the way home- all by himself!

Playing peek-a-boo with Aunt Esther
She can get such cute faces out of that little boy!

Well, some of the time.... I guess he was done with pictures for now! :)

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Almost everyone I run into when I am out comments, "You sure have your hands full!" Some say it with a voice of pity, others amazement, many just stating the obvious as I carry two boys and a bag of groceries to the car.
Everyone may see my hands full..... not everyone gets to see my cup overflowing."Let me show you brother"

"You are my buddy."

We love each other sooooo much!