Monday, August 27, 2007

Blogging silence

I know it has been a while since I wrote last... It seems that this summer is just zooming by- the Lord has blessed us so much- we are busy with the full life that He has given us.
My blogging may continue to be a bit sporadic here as we are having some computer issues. Our main computer has been acting strange for a while, but just last week the hard drive completely died. It is still under warranty and so we will be sending it to hopefully get fixed. (I say hopefully because I have many pictures on there that I had not burned to CD yet.... back up your work every night!)
While I have a laptop for my school and Scott has one at work, it is not the same as having your pictures all handy and ready for blogging. I don't think it will take to much to figure out how to get the pictures on here, but the TIME issue is always a factor. :)
This all to say, hopefully I will be able to post with pictures soon, and I hope everyone is having a great summer!~


Anonymous said...

I am in utter agony, Lydia!!! Our CD burner is broken, so I haven't backed up any pictures for the past 10 months- since Thanksgiving....ugg!! I'm just sick about loosing all these pictures (we actually don't know YET, Austin is running tests with the tower, and we're supposed to find out if it is hard drive failure or not tomorrow or Friday)!!!!
Hope you can get yours back!!
Love Ya!

The Mom said...

that's too bad about the pictures... I know that panicky feeling though and then the utter horror of finding your fears are right. We finally got a portable hard-drive for both of our computers and that helps tremendously. The pics are all saved on the computer and then also on the hard drives. Great back up method and one recommended to us by a friend that had lost years of important business files in his computer when it crashed one fatal day.

I don't comment very often but I wanted you to know I enjoy your blog! You have some darling little boys too. :) My first two children are 13 months apart so I know what your shoes feel like. :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you can salvage your pictures:) If not you will always have all of your wonderful memories stored up in your heart.
Hope all is well!
