Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Visit to the Shepards...

Knowing our travles would be limited for a while after the baby is born, we wanted to make sure we made it down to Rebecca and Andrew's house before it came. So with his days off falling at a good time for the Shepards, Scott loaded us up and we headed "down south" Jan. 18-20th. We arrived Thursday night and enjoyed seeing not only Rebecca, Andrew and Justice but more of Andrew's family as well. And that was just the beginning. Our dear friends the Wissmann family from Seward Neb. was scheduled to sing at a church near the Shepards Friday night, and so Thursday evening they pulled their looooong bus into an icy driveway and we had a houseful!
As it ended up, because of the icy conditions, the concert was cancled, providing a day of fun and games at Rebecca and Andrews all day Friday. We all had a great time, there was a lot of wonderful food cooked by Rebecca and always someone to play with or talk to!
Friday night the Wissmanns headed on, (they are on a 7 week "tour" right now!) and as couples we went out to eat at the best Mexican resturant I have ever been to. Paul and Justice did really well, although we found a LOT of crackers under the table after the meal!
Back at the Shepards we enjoyed playing cards (until waaaaay too late) and a good nights sleep. Saturday morning dawning with a few snowflakes falling, which should have warned us to watch the weather, but since we planned to leave by 1pm, we were not too concerned.
Well, it turned into a small blizzard and the drive home was slow- about 45 m.p.h. the whole way, but the Lord kept us safe and we made it back fine. We had a great time- we got to see all the work they have done on the addition since we were there last, (In August) and it is just beautiful!! We miss you guys! See you after the baby is born! Paul playing the drum
Foosball was the guys activity of the day
Did I say ALLLLLL day? :)
The girls prefered a calm game of Yatzee :)


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh........did I tell you how jealous we were?!?! I'm glad you had such a great time with Rebecca and Andrew and Justice...I'm shocked you don't have a picture of the boys together!! :0

Anonymous said...

OH, a whole day with the Wissmanns! Sounds like fun and a house-full!

Anonymous said...

What a fun supprise to find ya'll at Shepards! It was a wonderful day! Got to catch up a little bit. A big thank you to the Shepards and Ansons for your hospitality...
Praying for ya'll the next several weeks - until we hear the news!