Thursday, September 28, 2006

Outside boy...

Paul really enjoys being outside and the weather has been great for that lately. We always laught that Kansas has two seasons- summer and winter. No fall or spring. However, this year we have had a really nice September. Nights in the 40-50s and days in the 60-low 80s. Harvest is starting and leaves are beginning to fall. Ahhh! What a beautiful time of year. Fall has always been Mom's favorite season. I think it has always been tough on her, growing up in NY to come to a state that has such pathetic weather these autumn months. Growing up here in the country though, I am afraid I would take the combines and grain trucks over the neighborhoods of red maples- no matter how stunning! :)
The cool weather has brought apples, and I have enjoyed making applesauce and freezing it for later. Paul loves applesauce, so I don't think I can have too much on hand!
I saved some for eating though, and we "share" one most mornings after our walk. I take a bite and he gums all the juice on that part. :)

One evening we walked up and down our drive for a while as we waited for Scott to get home from work. Paul loves the cows our landlord keeps here, and just had to go over and investigate. It looks like the cows are as curious as he is!

He is a little country boy!

After a long walk, those heavy eyes would not stay open one minute longer! :)

This weekend we are looking forward to the wedding of some dear friends. Scott is honored to be part of the wedding party. We are so excited for Jonathan and Kayla!
And next weekend we have another wedding- a good girl friend of mine is getting married. (Only 8 days to go Emily! :) It looks like we will have a house full of company staying here by Thursday, so I may not get on to blog for a bit. I will try to keep up!
Enjoy this fall!

Grandma Su

We sure miss Scott's mom. We keep hinting about a fall visit, but she is trying to save up vacation time for February. So we call and post here.
This week Paul got a special package. He loved the envelope. :)
Thats right!
We love and miss you Mama Su!


Can you tell Paul loves to eat?
He must take after his parents. :)
He is learning to feed himself, but still makes more messes than really getting much in his mouth. Little movements that I take for granted, require such concentration from him. I can see why the fork was invented though.... imagine eating the whole meal in little pinch- portions!
Look at that belly! No starvation going on around here!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Growing up

Paul is growing up so fast! I would blame my lack of blogging on his activity, but it is more an issue of time management than anything else! We have been doing really well. Septemeber came with cooler weather and beautiful days for being outside. Scott is busy at the dairy, and really enjoying it. Most days he works 8-6 with a lunch break that he enjoys here at home. :) Once or twice a week he works 3:30am to noon. We actully like this shift as it gives up the afternoon together. (After a long nap) They run a varied schedule so everyone takes turns with the weekends. THis week he worked Sat and Sun, but had Friday and Monday off. It is fun to have a little variety.
As some of you know, Scott has continued to pursue his law enforcement dreams this year with the patrol again. We found out recently that he did not make it again this time, but we are not discouraged. We are praying about Scott finishing his degree starting this spring and then trying again after he has finished his schooling. He already has 20 hours from night school he took back in Chicago, so we have some of the work already done!
Paul is crawling very well and pulling up on everything. He has been on a better schedule lately and that helps out everyone. He is beginning to say "mama" and it is sooooo precious! He is eating a lot of "real food" now. I still nurse him often, but he can put down a whole sweet potato in one meal! We also just started yogurt, and that with banana is a new favorite.
Until recently he was still waking up several times a night to nurse, and for the sake of peace and quiet, we just gave in, but this week, we started laying him back down. THere were two rough nights, but last night he slept ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE!!!!! FROM 8:40PM TO 7AM!!! What a praise the Lord, the busy nights were hard on me, and this a huge blessing.
Not to say we don't have our crazy days still- even Paul has a bad hair day in this shot!
I have been doing well, feeling good which is a blessing. Yep, for those of you who do not know already, sometime in mid-February there will be another little Anson joining the family! We are excited and the pregnancy is going very well. I did not have near the morning sickness I had with Paul, all together much better in that area. I have had some headaches this time, but that is usually because my blood sugar is dropping and I need to eat something! It is a bit of a challange some days, I feel between feeding Paul and being pregnant I just need to eat all day! Thankfully food sounds good! :)
Paul and I have been walking each morning. He really likes the stroller and a few times has even fallen asleep! I enjoy the exercise, especially now that the weather is nice. Most mornings we start out with a sweatshirt!
Well, that catches you up a little bit on our lives. I have been working on my own schedue lately and feel really good about keeping up on the house- Thursdays are supposed to be my day to blog, but don't hold your breath! :) However slow I am at times, we really enjoy this way to stay in touch with people and share pictures of what is going on. Your comments are always so fun to read!

God bless! Lydia for Anson farms

Bath Time!

Paul really enjoys bath time. Scott usually gives him his bath in the evenings and they both enjoy a little "Daddy and Paul time" while I clean up from supper. The perfect way to relax and play after a long day!