Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Matching boys

It was a little over a year ago when I first tried taking a "matching" picture of our boys. A friend had given me matching shirts for the crew right after William was born and we have loved dressing them the same on fun days out together.
This weekend at Walmart, I noticed a bunch of boys shirts on clearance and was able to replace the shirts, which were becoming quiet small.
Due to the beautiful weather, I decided today was a good day for another photo shoot, although I guess I should have checked with Will, he was not the happiest fellow and it was hard getting him to stay in the pictures, let alone smile! Stair steps

Smile all together

The older 3 clowns

They seem to know they are just too cute!

Trying to cheer someone up!

There is a smile!
William- 13 months

What a big boy!
Philip- 2 yrs
Marcus-3 1/2 yrs

Paul-4 ("Almost 5, Mom")


Aunt Elizabeth said...

great pictures, Lydia. The boys are uber cute!!! Can't get enough of 'em!! :)
I think their next set of matching shirts should be purple powercat shirts!! :)

Anonymous said...

GAAAAARRRR!! Ahoy from The Burning Seas, matey! Fine family ye got thar! GGGAAAARRRR!

In His Image Photography said...

Love the photos, Lydia! You did a nice job! The boys are getting so big--I can't believe Will is 13 months already!

When are you coming to Lindsborg?
We are looking forward to seeing you again! Let's talk soon!

Rebecca said...

Awwww! I was hoping the new profile pic on fb meant you had a new post... and a twofer!
so glad you got some pictures while you were here... I got 4 all weekend for the ulmer and anson trip combined!:(
feel like that weekend was a blur... looking forward to the next visit when i'll have had more sleep and have her schedual a little more solid! :)
love you guys!

Rebecca said...

oh,, and I LOVE the 'all smiles' one!!!
Tho maybe the pics weren't what you envisioned... someday they will SUCH precious reminders of the best days of you life! :)