Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Ever since hunting season in the beginning of December, Paul has become infatuated with guns. He knows that Mom and Dad have guns and we take them out and shoot deer. (Yes, we both got deer this year- it was fun hunting and a blessing to have meat in the freezer.) So now everything that is able to fit in his hand has become a gun. And our efforts to train him just to shoot animals and not people seem to be bearing some fruit as he talks about shooting deer and rabbits all the time and is not so quick to shoot friends who stop by. He does shoot other things though- like his dirty diapers, or things that are lost.
"Paul, where is your shoe?"
"Mom, I shoot it. Shoe bye-bye."
Paul always wants to share his guns with Mom and Dad and Marcus, but Marcus has no interest and will drop the screwdriver/vacuum extension/toothbrush/etc. that Paul so willing offers. Maybe a few more months and he will catch on to the game! :)
All dressed up and ready to go out!

See the gun Mommy made me!?

Boys will be boys.... and when Paul is not playing guns, he finds other creative things to do.
Don't look now Grandma!!!

Where did the bullets go?

Ready Dad?


What a big helper

Oh, we are ready to go out again.

See, I even have my back-pack!

Marcus, lets have some fun!

Oh, anyone want to play guns?

Need a bullet?

Goldilocks gets a trim

Marcus' hair started getting a little on the shaggy side this winter. So the beginning of January we gave our little guy his first hair cut. He was very patient and did a great job sitting still. It was hard to believe how much we actully cut off!

Dad with the clippers

Paul trying to cut his hair :)

Not too happy, but every bit as cute!

Anson visit and Paul's Birthday

The day after Christmas we were thrilled to have Scott's Mom, and brother and his family come for a few days. We had a great visit- playing Monopoly, Uno Attack, and Medal of Honor. With plenty of talking and laughing through the 4 days. Paul loved having extra people to play with him and can't wait to see everyone again soon! Bryan takes Paul for a ride... Maybe Jeremy should help! :)
Jeremy playing with Marcus- he could get Marcus laughing so hard!

The whole clan! We miss you guys!

While the family was here, we were able to celebrate Paul's second birthday. Because strawberries are one of his favorite foods, we had strawberry shortcake for his party. But in this picture it looks like he will settle for the party blower if we don't stop taking pictures and get the food to his mouth!

Yeah! He blew out the candles!


A slide from Mom and Dad

Fun drums from Grandma Sue

A big hit- An inflatable indoor bounce house. Paul loves it and yes, it does take up our whole living room! Thanks Papa and Nana!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas also means...

A time for gifts and giving... I was way more excited about their presents than the boys were! Paul caught on very fast to the unwrapping idea
Wow Marcus!

Any repairs that need done...
It is a good thing Paul has a cousin who is so good at working on houses... But Justice, easy with the saw!

And best of all- FAMILY!

A Christmas gift from Tabitha and Esther

20 years difference between the oldest and youngest... But we are a pretty close bunch for those 20 years!

Helping the uncles feed the calves...

We love Papa and Nana!!
(And if you are Paul, maybe you are praying that the pictures are almost over?:)

Christmas time...

Trying to get pictures for a Christmas letter.... Marcus not in favor of the idea, and Paul is just too funny!

This is how most of the turned out- one or both crying! :)