Thursday, October 26, 2006


No posting would be complete without some pictures of our precious boy. Paul is growing and so much fun. He is beginning to become board with some of his toys, so I am trying to be creative when it comes to keeping him productive. He is thinking about walking, but not taking any steps yet. And big news! He is cutting his first teeth!!! You can actully feel 2 teeth on the bottom of his mouth! Scott and I have joked for so long that he was never going to get teeth. He will look different- I can't wait! I gave Paul his first hair cut this month. Just a trim around his ears, but I need to wrangle him down and give the whole thing a trimming. It is starting to curl in the back.... too long for our little boy!:)
See how big I am?!
I love that camera!
Scott's mom made it out for a visit this past weekend and Paul really enjoyed spending time with his Grandma. I will try to ge those pictures up soon.
Thank you all for your patience with our blogging troubles.... I hope to chat with you all again soon! God bless!
Lydia for the Ansons


Anonymous said...

Paul is so cute!
Thanks for sharing!
God Bless,

micah noel said...

Love the pics!

~AliisaJoy~ said...

Now that I've actually met you, I guess I'll comment on your blog!

Paul is sooo adorable!! He will look very different with teeth. I hope he doesn't stay up too much at night!

Anonymous said...

Paul is just way too cute! He has grown SO much since I last saw him (proving that it's been WAY too long since we've seen you guys)!!

Rebecca said...

WOW - he really looks like you Lydia,- especially the cheeks and chin and smile,,,, and yet there is that unmistakable trace of Scott around the eyes... hope you all are doing well.... We miss you!!! Lots of love